Sunday, January 25, 2009

Genesis 48-50 Matthew 24-

Genesis 48-50
YEY! WE completed the first book of the Bible! :) Only 65 to go ;)

How sad would it be, your Father is dying and he calls you in to give you a blessing and instead says things like "you'll no longer excel, I will scatter you, cursed be your anger."! When we meet our Father in heaven, we're praying for a response of "well done, good and faithful servant!"

Then, you have a sibling and the father says "your brothers will praise you and will bow down to you."

Jacob asked to be buried with Leah, instead of with Rachel.

50:20 "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." WE should have this similar outlook whenever something unpleasant comes our way, remembering that God is in control and can intend it for good!

Joseph lived to be 110 years old and told his brothers not to bury him in Egypt but to carry his bones up from this place. Eventually, they were placed inside of the Ark of the Covenant that held the ten commandments!

Matthew 24-
The disciples ask of the end times and Jesus warns US, watch out that no one deceives you for many will come in my name claiming 'I am the Christ'! There will be wars, these things must happen! Nation against nation, kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes! Pastor Mike gave such a GREAT message the first week of the new year on this very topic!!! I loved too how Carlynn this week reminded us that "Jesus could come back today!" We need to have that mindset daily that today could be "it"! What good are we going to do today for the kingdom?

Jesus goes on to warn us that many will turn from their faith, betray and hate each other, some will be persecuted and put to death and be hated by nations.

Because of increased wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. I assume that means that you become numb to sin.

Vs 13 says "but he who stands firm to the end will be saved". How great it will be to "finish well."

I need to study up more on the "elect" in Matthew.

The coming Jesus describes is the same as the coming in Thess!

This world is dying. "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away." vs 35

So as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. We read in Genesis that every thought of mans heart was wicked!

We won't know the day or hour. Just like the people in Noah's day didn't know when the flood was coming! "Keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come." vs 42 He'll come at an hour when we do not expect him. We want to be found by our master, doing the masters work!

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