Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Samuel 21-22 Acts 6-

Samuel 21-
vs 12 David was very much afraid of king Achish and pretended to be insane and acted like a madman! Why? So they would send him away unharmed?

WOW! Saul was so intent on capturing David that when a priest had given David bread and Goliath's sword, Saul killed him and 85 others!

David had a very sad group of people following him "2 All those who were in distress or in debt or discontented gathered around him, and he became their leader. About four hundred men were with him." Then, the son of Ahimelech (Saul had killed his family) also stayed with David because David said vs 22-23 "I am responsible for the death of your father's whole family. 23 Stay with me; don't be afraid; the man who is seeking your life is seeking mine also. You will be safe with me." David didn't know what could happen to Ahimelechs family yet still took responsibility for Saul's actions. In truth, Saul really was responsible for his actions and murders!

Acts 6-
When a need came up in the church, the disciples delegated to other men who could accomplish the tasks at hand! in this chapter, the widows were being overlooked and weren't receiving food! They chose 7 men to look over them. What a great reminder that we need to be serving the church body in whatever way is needed so that the preachers and teachers can attend to their jobs, instructing the flock! :)

It's so sad to see in this chapter that a man of God, who was filled with faith and the holy spirit (vs 5) would be blasphemed about! They lied, spread rumors and untruths, and "stirred up the people and elders and the teachers of the law" vs 12. They had false witnesses, the men were liars!

God, we know that Satan is the father of all lies. He lives to thwart the truth of your Word! I'm thankful that he will be punished someday for all the grief he's put on the people of this world. Help me God to share truth with people who claim to not know the truth!

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