Thursday, October 23, 2008

A New Site!

Hi friends and family!
I've decided to start blogging about the the things I'm learning and reading about! This blog will not replace my family blog with photos and updates of the children. I don't write in a journal but thought what a great thing an online blog would be! It saves them for me too so I can go back and reference them anytime! Thanks Chiara for suggesting it in WBS!

As I read through the Bible, do our Thrive homework and messages, as I go through Partners again, attend Sundays message or find something in our Women's Bible study or from a book I'm reading that really jumps out at me, I hope to write about it on my blog so I can remind myself again and again and again!

I named this site Millsap Marvel because, the definition of Marvel is "to be filled with wonder, admiration, or astonishment, as at something surprising or extraordinary
a wonderful thing; to wonder or be curious about :) Psalm 86:10 "For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God." These are just my own personal thoughts and notes on different topics :) Feel free to read and comment!

Psalm 9 talks about the greatness of God, how we should be in constant awe and astonishment of who He is and what He has done for us! May we never forget! Psalm 8: 3 and 9When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!

Our first message at WBS, our teacher spoke about keeping a "WOW" book, things in the Bible that just make you say WOW God, and what a great thing it would be to write them down and then pass along to our children!

So, here we begin....

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the idea of blogging about what God is teaching you. For me, it helps me relearn what I heard or read and cements it even more in my mind and heart. Plus, it sometimes can reach another with a nugget of great learning from God's Word! Love this!
